January 31, 2007

Put Your Hands On Top Of Your Bed! I Mean Head!

Yesterday in hour one of Bob & Tom, as they were coming out of the commercial for proflowers.com (who will be my next choice for Internet flower business, after my lovely experience with another company), the gang brought up 24 and mashed the two together:

CHICK MCGEE: ...and register to win a gift card from ProFlowers.

BOB KEVOIAN: Maybe they should do a Jack Bauer bouquet.

(ALL): The '24.'

TOM GRISWOLD: You give it to your girlfriend or wife and go 'Get down!'

BOB: 'On all fours!'

KRISTI LEE: Oh, wow, wait a minute...

BOB: Oh, sorry.

KRISTI: uh-uh, uh-uh(*)

(*) If you didn't listen to the audio, think of a dolphin trying to make this sound. It's code for "There will be no 'Kristi Lee Happy Action Back-Door Fun Time!'" if you know what I mean. And since you're reading this blog, I think you do.


Posted by Chris at January 31, 2007 01:17 PM

Category: Bob & Tom