July 16, 2004

So Hot That Straight Girls Want Her

flower_goddess and I were watching Inside Edition last night, and they did an interview with Halle Berry's soon-to-be-or-maybe-already-ex-husband, where he denied being a sex addict.

When flower_goddess heard that, she said "Hell, if I were married to Halle Berry, I'd be a sex addict!"

I looked at her. "You meant to say that if I were married to Halle Berry, I'd be a sex addict, right?"

"Oh yeah, that too."

From the "How About That" department: the headline on today's page of The Onion's desk calendar was "Brad Pitt Bored With Sight Of Jennifer Aniston's Naked Body".

Posted by Chris at July 16, 2004 11:37 AM

Category: General Weirdness