November 18, 2003

Dog's Breakfast

I am way behind in my TV viewing. I just saw the Threat Matrix episode that aired October 4, about an Ebola-like epidemic in Amarillo and the team's attempts to control it. The entry vector was a Basenji dog imported from Africa, and Patient Zero was a baggage handler at the airport. At the time, I thought "Well, here comes the outrage from Basenji advocate groups!" I would have expected them to make up some fake breed (like, say, the "West African Jackalope Hound"), so as not to piss off any real dog owners. Apparently, no Basenji owners watch Threat Matrix, as there's no mention of the episode here, here, or here (how disappointing - no signs of a flame war between the and the factions!).

Posted by Chris at November 18, 2003 08:33 AM

Category: General Weirdness