Pictures from Saturday's Fusion Game Against Green Bay


After the jump.

Jermaine Jackson gets a step on the defender and Cody Hodges drops it right in the basket for the Fusion's first TD.

Of course, this being indoor football, there's the issue of maintaining possession when you hit the wall, but Jackson hangs on.

Tyrone Walker converts on third-and-long against good coverage.

Jackson challenges the defender to a game of 'tip drill...'

...and wins, scoring his second TD of the night.

Lou Vega has half the end zone to himself on this easy TD catch that turned out to be the game-winner.



So this is what Jermaine's been up to since the Jackson 5 broke up? Interesting career move, I gotta admit.

I think he looked at the examples of Jim Morrison and Elvis and thought, "Y'know, maybe catching touchdown passes ain't so bad."

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