September 04, 2003

In Other News: Eggs At Risk Of Becoming Chickens

CNN reports that a study done by Fight Crime: Invest In Kids (whose idea was that name? You need a snappy acronym nowadays, and 'FC:IIK' just doesn't cut it) shows that bullying

"spawns loneliness, depression and suicidal tendencies among its victims and foreshadows crime and violence by perpetrators."
60% of the bullies (and there's that labelling thing again - I thought labels were bad!) ended up convicted of at least one crime by age 24; 40% of them had three or more convictions by that age. But I think the real issue is a supply-and-demand problem:
"The report said for children in grades six through 10, nearly one in six, or 3.2 million, were victims of bullying each year and 3.7 million were bullies"
In order to get that one-to-one attention that real quality bullying requires, we need 500,000 more victims and we need them now! I know what you're thinking, but the Democratic National Convention is almost a year away and we can't afford to wait that long!

Posted by Chris at September 4, 2003 05:30 PM

Category: Media Stupidity